Final installment of Angora Fire series coming Sunday
The fourth and final day of Lake Tahoe News’ four-part series on Angora Fire — 5 years later will run June 24.
Sunday’s stories will be about life in dispatch that fateful day, words from Lahontan water board, former South Lake Tahoe Mayor Kathay Lovell’s perspective and the pet cemetery.
If you missed the June 17 installment, here are links to those stories:
University study explores Tahoe’s devastating fire.
South Tahoe PUD keeps water flowing.
Personal and professional angst at TRPA.
Landscape a challenge for survivors.
If you missed the June 10 installment, here are links to those stories:
Dealing with insurance companies.
Annual garden show focuses on Angora properties.
Cutbacks would challenge future wildland firefighting resources.
Importance of defensible space.
Supervisor Norma Santiago talks about El Dorado County.
If you missed the June 3 installment, here are links to those stories:
Susan Wood was the first reporter on the scene.
Forest Supervisor Nancy Gibson looks forward.
A garden grows from the ashes.
State senator to host Angora forum.