Parolee slips past South Shore officers

Officers on March 12 look for a fugitive near the businesses at Timber Cove Pier in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/Denise Haerr

Officers on March 12 look for a fugitive at Timber Cove Pier. Photo/Denise Haerr

A South Lake Tahoe man accused of violating his parole is still on the loose.

El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies and South Lake Tahoe police officers spent several hours Thursday night trying to track down the man who is in his early 30s. Deputies are not releasing his name for fear the publicity might chase him out of town.

“We don’t have him as a public safety threat. His main victim is usually himself,” sheriff’s Sgt. Michael Seligsohn told Lake Tahoe News.

He is, however, on parole for domestic violence as well as drugs. Seligsohn said heroin is the guy’s drug of choice.

The sergeant said the man is back using and has stopped checking in with his parole agent.

Law enforcement tracked him to the Beverly motel on March 12. The suspect jumped out of two-story window and ran. Officers searched other hotels, near Timber Cove Pier and crawled through drain pipes, but turned up nothing.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (28)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    End the stupid war on drugs.

  2. About time says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    Start a new war on stupid people that think drugs are a good thing

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Not that I want to make a career of defending someone that I’m pretty sure is mentally unstable and socially and philosophically immature, but I gotta agree with Dog.

    Granted some drugs are pretty dangerous, but the majority of problems associated with hard core drug use are made much worse by the societal constriction and double standards of our culture.

    Nail the guy for domestic abuse, not for drugs.

  4. ljames says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    “The suspect jumped out of two-story window and ran” . . . “Deputies are not releasing his name for fear the publicity might chase him out of town.”

    not releasing his name? okay? so just how many people that violated their parole do we have jumping out of second story windows and, limping or not, walking around town? maybe we dont want to know?

  5. Justice says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Just another addict with a ruined life thanks to open borders and these revolving doors of the misnamed justice system that do little to nothing to stop crime involving illegal drugs that kill and destroy lives, like this tar heroin epidemic. The endless supply of cheap poison keeps pouring in and has been unchecked for six years of a do-nothing absent gang of clowns in DC who have no idea what national security is anyway, and finding them is really hard off of the golf courses or when not giving fundraising speeches or hiding evidence from the press, as they never know anything unless it was in the news, let alone any concern about poison drug smuggling and epidemics of addiction and the criminal gangs selling it and what is walking in across the border.

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Justanass bla bla bla point finger bla bla bla

  7. duke of prunes says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Read Justasses posts in a really hackey terrorist voice, replace some nouns with infidels, and they are hilarious.

  8. AROD says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Justice don’t you get tired of everyone laughing at your idiotic rants?

  9. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Dog. This is not a bumper sticker debate. Are you proposing Medical Heroin, Meth and Cocaine cards? If so, then how would that help communities and addiction? Yes, it takes away the black market but how would you deal with Dr. Feelgoods handing out the cards or the overdoses or the family destruction?

    And, again this is debatable.

    As for Just@ass. Heroin was created in the 1870’s as a “non addictive” substitute for Morphine; this is not new. Did you miss Panic in Needle Park or The French Connection I and II from the early 1970’s?

  10. Isee says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Glad to see you comment, Dogula. Even if we aren’t in agreement I hope people don’t stop commenting because others are mean. Being mean is trending….

  11. Dogula says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Thanks, Isee. Debate is good. Personal insults get real old real quick.
    With regards to the debate about the drug war, Hmmm and I have some common ground. But Rock, your objection to legalized drugs because of families being ruined by drugs and Drs. handing out cards makes no sense. That stuff is happening ANYWAY. People who want to overuse drugs and alcohol will do so regardless of the law. But the drug laws destroy more families than the drugs themselves do.
    Did you ever smoke pot before it was legal? Would it have been a good thing for you to go to prison for it? What would that have done to your family, your job, and your dependents?
    Who gets to decide what any other person may ingest? Just because a person wants to use drugs, of whatever kind, it does not mean that they will go crazy and kill people, or even burglarize your house. Those things happen usually as a result of the criminalization of drugs. Drug laws create a whole host of issues. From making it prohibitively expensive, to rewarding criminal trafficking organizations with tons of money from those artificially inflated drug prices.
    With legal alcohol, there are problem drinkers, but there are many more responsible people who enjoy it in moderation. Drugs would be exactly the same, if they were legal. After all, didn’t we all see “Reefer Madness” and laugh at the absurdity? Your fear of other drugs is the same.

  12. nature bats last says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Ok, so if drugs are all ok than I propose drug addicts cant have guns, and who is considered a drug addict, the guy who smokes recreational pot all day, every day, or the heroine addict or meth head or alcoholic, or pill popper? If all these things are all ok then what happens with the druggies who become violent when they are on their drug of choice? How is this for sure problem going to be delbt with, the above suggestion is after the fact? No thanks, id rather not have heroine addicts on every street corner, what kind of example is that to our children? A pretty s#/++y one I d say.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    You’re not listening. Those things happen anyway, even if drugs are illegal. Hysteria doesn’t help.
    Nobody is condoning drug abuse. But violence against another person is already a crime. Punish the violence, not the drug use.
    Hysteria does not help.

  14. Biggerpicture says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Dog, I think you are spot on as to your assessment of the drug use situation as it pertains to criminal activity. And I’m pretty sure there is more violent crimes perpetuated under the influence of alcohol than under the influence of all illicit drugs……..combined!

  15. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Sometimes the comments here are right out of Abbott and Costellos “Who’s on first” routine. I’m cool with that as I say some dumb things right here on LTN myself. Misery loves company.
    G’nite! OLS

  16. runamuck says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    I get the whole war on drugs debate, but just out of curiousity,has anyone slowed enough to understand this guy was wanted? To answer one person’s question, there are an abundance of wanted parole and probation subjects in this community. It is unfortunate our local press does not do a weekly series on them. This community is small enough to make that sort of publication effective. I was one of the people missing dinner with my family because I had a responsibility to find this guy and place him in custody. The article mentions he was on parole for violent crimes, not just drugs. I would have rather been cooking meat on my grill with my family. I received word this guy was at a certain location towards the end of my shift. We could have done the simple thing and kissed it off, but we decided to address it. These forums seem to quickly address individual opinions on drugs, which is awesome. The Constitution encourges that. This had nothing to do with the “war on drugs”. This person was on parole for something other than drugs. He had a violent history, was sentenced for it, and was wanted because of his failure to comply with his sentence. Maybe we could do a better job of working together to make this community safer.

  17. nature bats last says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Hysteria every day foxnoise headlines. Gotta love the way they (and a few trolls on this blog) use it every chance they get.
    heres a good headline. HEROINE IS LEGAL. YIPPEE! METH NOW LEGAL, LETS ALL HAVE A LAB IN OUR KITCHEN!!! Yup, in a perfect world all this stuff would be in everyones medicine cabinet. Yup, thats what I hope for my kids future.NOT!

  18. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Concerns about the police? Call them up and ask for police chief Brian Uhler. This man will talk to you and give you straight answers without a bunch of b.s.
    He can be reached at 542-6100. Save that number! The police dept. , because of the small size of our town, can be anywhere in a matter of minutes. Call them and they are right there!
    Get to know your police! They are actually good guys. They are here to get rid of the creeps and thieves.
    This comin’ from an old hippy who used to hate the cops. Who’d a thunk it? OLS

  19. Dogula says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    “Being a libertarian is hard. What’s up is down and it seems that everything that’s right to others is wrong. We defend the indefensible and inconceivable in the name of human liberty. Because without human liberty true progress isn’t possible.
    No matter what you call yourself it should be abundantly clear that individuals create the advancements which make the world a better place in spite of government not because of it.”
    ~Libertarian Girl

    Yes, the comments section does take on a life of its own. But many of this fugitive’s problems started because of the war on drugs. Once one is labeled a criminal simply because of a personal choice regarding ingesting some substance, it becomes easy, necessary really, to take on the whole personna.

    End the stupid war on drugs.

  20. sunriser2 says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    If they can’t keep drugs out of the prison system how can they keep them off the streets.. Give them a free bag of whatever they want with every sterilization.

  21. TeaTotal says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    ‘Me the People’ arrogance and selfishness will never be progress like ‘We the People’ democracy and inclusion-the lunatic fringe conservatives have been against every single piece of legislation that moved America forward-there’s a reason there are 0 successful libertarian societies-dogula eat dogula Ayn Rand world is a future that gets real ugly-real fast

  22. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    Nats-I don’t think anyone here has suggested that ‘all drugs are ok’. What I like about this particular thread is that it is provoking some thought and opening the possibility for a serious discussion of how some drugs in our country are ‘subsidized’ while others are ‘criminalized’, and the links between the two…AND the forces at play that obscure them.

    As far as Dogs ‘libertarian girl’ quote I have a link that helps put the ‘libertarian perspective’ into perspective….
    for anyone who is interested.

  23. Kits Carson says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    nature: They usually become violent when they run out of their poison of choice.

  24. Kits Carson says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    Hmmm: Opening a discussion about this poison? Sorry, but you sound like the president referring to ISIS. Discussing this epidemic won’t cure it.

  25. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    What poison would that be?

  26. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    What poison would you be referring to Kits?

  27. nature bats last says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    Kits, I dont think anyone on this blog has the power to solve the drug problems of our country, let alone our town. But you did call it right. Drugs =poison

  28. Hmmm... says - Posted: March 15, 2015

    Not all drugs are poison; not all poisons are drugs. Glittering generalizations don’t help.