Calif. pumping water that fell to Earth 20,000 years ago


By Tom Knudson, Reveal

By now, the impacts of California’s unchecked groundwater pumping are well-known: the dropping water levels, dried-up wells and slowly sinking farmland in parts of the Central Valley.

But another consequence gets less attention, one measured not by acre-feet or gallons-per-minute but the long march of time.

As California farms and cities drill deeper for groundwater in an era of drought and climate change, they no longer are tapping reserves that percolated into the soil over recent centuries. They are pumping water that fell to Earth during a much wetter climatic regime – the ice age.

Such water is not just old. It’s prehistoric. It is older than the earliest pyramids on the Nile, older than the world’s oldest tree, the bristlecone pine. It was swirling down rivers and streams 15,000 to 20,000 years ago when humans were crossing the Bering Strait from Asia.

Tapping such water is more than a scientific curiosity. It is one more sign that some parts of California are living beyond nature’s means, with implications that could ripple into the next century and beyond as climate change turns the region warmer and robs moisture from the sky.

“What I see going on is a future disaster. You are removing water that’s been there a long, long time. And it will probably take a long time to replace it. We are mining water that cannot be readily replaced,” said Vance Kennedy, a 91-year-old retired research hydrologist in the Central Valley.

Despite such concern, the antiquity of the state’s groundwater isn’t a well-known phenomenon. It has been discovered in recent years by scientists working on water quality studies and revealed quietly in technical reports.

Groundwater is crucial to California. In an average year, nearly 40 percent of the state’s water comes from underground sources. In the current extended drought, it’s more than half. Eighty percent of California residents rely to some degree on groundwater. Some towns, cities and farming operations depend entirely on it.

Groundwater is like a bank account. You want to balance the debits and credits, not draw down the principal. But California has been depleting its groundwater principal for generations, pumping more than nature can replenish. So, too, has the United States as a whole. The biggest overall user is agriculture.

“If we continue irrigating at the increasing rates that we are in the U.S., the bottom line is that can’t be sustained,” said Leonard Konikow, a retired U.S. Geological Survey hydrogeologist in Virginia. “That can’t go on forever.”

A new article by Konikow in the journal Groundwater estimates that nearly 1,000 cubic kilometers – about twice the volume of Lake Erie – was depleted across the United States from 1900 to 2008. That’s enough to contribute to rising sea levels, along with melting glaciers and polar ice.

“That really surprised a lot of people,” Konikow said.

The pace of depletion has jumped dramatically since 2000. And Konikow identified one area that appears to have the most serious depletion problem in the nation – California’s agricultural powerhouse, the Central Valley, especially its more arid southern portion.

How long the bounty can last is anyone’s guess. As wells are drilled deeper, pumping costs soar. Water quality can suffer. In some areas, the earth itself is starting to sink as deep aquifers are pumped to historic low levels.

That problem is known as subsidence, and it’s a big deal. As the land sags, it is harming water delivery canals, damaging wells and buckling pavement.

“The rates of subsidence we are seeing are about a foot per year in some areas. They are just phenomenal,” said John Izbicki, a research hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey.

The last time this happened, during a binge of overpumping in the 20th century, one part of the valley sank 28 feet and damages topped $1.3 billion (in 2013 dollars), according to the California Water Foundation.

But that’s not all: As those deep aquifers are pumped, they suffer structural damage and no longer hold as much water as before. To visualize what happens, imagine a kitchen sponge.

“You take it out of the package and it’s all nice and fluffy,” said Bryant Jurgens, a research hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “After a month of use, it starts to shrink. When you wet it again, it doesn’t ever quite get as big as it originally was. That’s exactly what happens to the aquifer.”

And some of that water, as it turns out, is quite ancient. If you bottled it, you could label it the provenance of the Pleistocene – a geological epoch that lasted from about 2.5 million to 12,000 years ago.

The landscape was much different back then. Yosemite Valley was a river of ice. Mastodons and other now-extinct creatures roamed the West Coast. To the east and south, lakes stretched for miles across terrain we now call desert.

All water, in a sense, is ancient. It’s been cycling through clouds, rivers, forests and oceans for millions of years. But in recent decades, scientists have found ways to determine roughly when precipitation fell to earth and percolated into the surface, becoming groundwater.

They do it by testing water for the presence of certain compounds that decay slowly over time, such as carbon-14, a radioactive isotope that also is used to estimate the age of ancient civilizations and human ancestors.

There is no point-and-click website that reveals the age of groundwater in the state. To access the information, you must wade through a tangle of studies compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of a state-funded public drinking water-quality monitoring program.

The jargon in those studies is so thick it is nearly incomprehensible. But deep in the scientific sediment are nuggets worth sharing with friends – a sentence here, a table there. They show water pumped from some deep public supply wells in the valley is 10,000 to more than 30,000 years old. Similar ages also have been reported in many desert basins, including Coachella Valley and Owens Valley, a major source of drinking water for Los Angeles.

What that means for the future is uncertain. Even though many areas pump more water than is recharged naturally, there is still more groundwater to be pumped.

“We are withdrawing from a fairly large bank account,” said Tom Myers, a hydrogeologic consultant in Reno, Nevada, who has worked in Southern California. “But we are withdrawing from it a lot faster than we are putting back in. The problem is we don’t know how close it is to empty.”

And many areas also recharge aquifers with surface water imported from elsewhere.

“There are places where you could be pumping very old groundwater and there is sufficient recharge to the system – so it’s not necessarily a problem,” said Miranda Fram, a research chemist with the U.S. Geological Survey. “But in many cases, it is. It’s mining old groundwater that’s not being replenished.”


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Comments (18)
  1. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    Tom Knudsen, Yes we are pumping our aquafier dry. Once our wells dry up and our resevoirs become mud puddles we will be in a world of hurt.
    There are some around here that think because we live next to a big lake (that’s shrinking, unless you have’nt noticed!), that we don’t need to watch our water usage.
    There is very little snow pack in the Sierras and not much in the forcast for more precipitation. Save what water you can from the occasional rain fall and use it wisely. OLS

  2. Steve says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    One can only wonder if and when California will simply cave in on itself, filling every crevice with salt water from the ocean. The Google and Facebook buses will be of little use then.

  3. Paul Estavez says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    Steve, you seem to enjoy poking fun at a very dire situation. If indeed your prophecy comes to fruition, where may I ask will you and the rest of North America get most of its food? The answer is, you will be eating products of unknown origin produced from unknow practices. Perhaps then, you can go onto Facebook and post how cool you are because you predicted this catastrophe….high five for you sir!

  4. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    If the water is really that old – why does STPUD believe they own it to sell to us at a high price ?

  5. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: March 13, 2015

    “Konikow identified one area that appears to have the most serious depletion problem in the nation – California’s agricultural powerhouse, the Central Valley, especially its more arid southern portion.”

  6. legal beagle says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    I appreciated being informed 20,000 year old water is older than the pyramids and bristlecone pines. I thought the pyramids were 2,000,000 years old and remains of extra-terrestrials.
    Our great governor invited the whole world to come to California a short while ago. More millions to suck on water.
    Those trees at the bottom of Fallen Leaf Lake portend hundred year droughts. This is nothing new.
    Funny thing how humans do their best to destroy what was the best state and best country and we are well on our collective way.
    How do you say Rome we are a coming.
    Yes, I am a pessimist as I look around and see the race to the bottom.
    BTW, how come we are not building more reservoirs and dams. Droughts are nature, water shortages are man.

  7. Isee says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Yes, the building in CA continues (the gov’t needs taxes- no matter about the water).
    Sacramento went to 2 times a week watering this week, and then were told to water multiple times on those two days to keep their lawns alive, Why? I guess the idea is -‘Let’s bury our heads in the sand’.
    Does anyone not realize that with a suspension of all water agreements, right now, that CA may decide to pump water out of Tahoe and other Mt lakes to truck to cities so they can keep their landscaping? Just watch.

  8. Cautious and Skeptical says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Can anyone say carrying capacity ! How many more people, how many more buildings, required infrastructure upgrades, more cars, etc. can California ( Lake Tahoe ) sustain?

  9. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Isee, It wasn’t that long ago when it was proposed to to start pumping water out of some of the lakes in the Desolation area and Lake Tahoe as well. Fortunately that never came to pass… at least not yet!!!
    Going into another year of drought, people are willing to do just about anything to get water. I’m afraid the “water wars” have just begun… again!!! OLS

  10. legal beagle says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    The Columbia River dumps one hundred billion gallons of water into the Pacific everyday. Could not a few billion be transported by pipeline to water starved California?

  11. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    We have about 38 Cubic miles of fresh water in the Tahoe Basin and OLS may have a point.

    California’s major reservoirs may be drained in a years time.

    California’s aquifers and storage systems have been in decline now for well over a decade. Draining California’s aquifers is actually causing California’s mountains to rise; water weighs a lot… less water less weight. Areas of the Central Valley are dropping as water is pumped from aquifers; think of water being taken from a sponge.

    a. “Rainy” season is about over come March 21st; bleak forecast for any major rain.
    b. Mandatory rationing of water will be an issue.
    c. New fresh water sources will be an issue. (would Washington State allow diverting fresh water via pipeline?)
    d. Reclaimed water will be an issue.
    e. Desalination will be an issue.
    f. Building sub-divisions further into the expanding Desert will be an issue.

  12. BitterClinger says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    California doesn’t have a water problem. California has a people problem. The state water system was designed for 12,000,000 residents.

    How many live in the state today?

  13. A Thougt says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Folks, the time has come to let the lawns go or any other high maintenance water sucking plants go as well.
    Replace with drought resistant native plants, shrubs, etc. and let the “pride of ownership concept” property become a natural Lake Tahoe forest floor again instead of the perfect manicured lawn and water sucking plant landscapes. We have a serious water shortage problem now facing us, we no longer have the luxury that defies and waste precious water for silly show off plant landscaping pride.
    If you have auto-timed water drip system through out the yard good for you, if you just have a sprinkler attached to the hose and just let it go, then stop!
    Hand water with a spray or light sprinkle setting, don’t over water, I have read that you should lightly water around the plant, not in the center, plants grow roots out and around itself below the top soil and that is the best way to water your landscaping using the least amount of water.
    Take shorter showers, use the bathtub less often, when you brush your teeth turn the water off while you brush.
    Run the dishwasher less, wash by hand, watch the settings on the cloths washer, you don’t need a large water setting when you are only doing a small load, etc., etc., etc.
    Sorry folks we are are looking at a big humbling change in what we use to take for granted, water will be like “GOLD” someday, so lets all sacrifice and do our part to conserve “WATER”.
    From one who has practiced this conserving water discipline concept from home ownership since the 70’s.
    Thank you

  14. rock4tahoe says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Bitter.. Your statement makes no sense.

    The population of California is estimated at 38 million in 2015.

    The population of California was 16 million in 1960.

    California started building dams/reservoirs in the 1800’s and has built about 85 Dams/reservoirs since 1960.

    America had a population of 180 million in 1960 and now has 320 million.

    The average American uses about 90 gallons of fresh water per day (this does not include fresh water for food production).

    Clearly, we have a fresh water supply problem. Fortunately we Homo Sapiens are intelligent and will find solutions to the problem.

  15. TeaTotal says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    The scariest water problem we face in the Tahoe Basin is the private ownership of water systems by the 1%ers. Our water should be part of the commons.

  16. greengrass says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    I agree with bitter. There is a finite amount of water available in the end. We are either going to need severe rationing for an indefinite amount of time, or less people. California is becoming overpopulated for it’s resources.

  17. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: March 14, 2015

    Let’s hope we get a really big snow storm soon. If not we are all gonna be in a bad way, economically, environmentally and a high fire hazard thru out the state all summer long.
    Locally, statewide and nationaly will suffer greatly from a lack of water pouring down from the Sierras.
    Dried up creeks, shrinking lakes and reservoirs. All of this leading to a failing economy and a thirsty state.
    No agriculture, no livestock, no vineyards, higher food prices, high fire danger and a loss of jobs!
    Save every drop!. OLS

  18. John says - Posted: March 18, 2015

    After pumping the ground water to grow water-rich fruits and vegetables, the water is exported from the state in those products – which are mostly made of water. California’s farmers are extracting ground water from the earth to send it to other places in great quantities, completely disrupting the local water cycle to their own detriment. Food was meant to be grown where it is eaten, and the byproducts returned to the local soil.