Snippets about Lake Tahoe
· California State Parks is leading a tour of Washoe Meadows State Park on July 17 from 5:30-7pm to talk about the Upper Truckee River project and future of Lake Tahoe Golf Course. Meet at the corner of Country Club and Bakersfield at 5:25pm. If attending, RSVP to
· El Dorado and Placer counties received silver awards in the counties exhibit at the California Fair. Amador won gold as well as best of show.
· A culvert on Elks Club Drive in El Dorado County between Boca Raton and Waverly will be replaced on July 16 from 8am-2pm. There may be up to a 30-minute delays. Use Meadowvale Drive and Tam ‘O Shanter Drive as alternative routes.
· El Dorado County has a website dedicated just to vacation home rentals.
· The next meeting of the El Dorado County VHR ad hoc committee will be July 16 at 5:30pm at the magnet school in Meyers.