Sandoval questioning refugee resettlement


By Associated Press

Gov. Brian Sandoval says he doesn’t think he has power to halt refugee resettlement in Nevada, but he’s seeking a second opinion.

He’s asking the attorney general for a legal opinion on how much authority the governor has over refugee resettlement, and the implications of the state taking any action.

Sandoval’s office issued an update Wednesday, two days after the governor asked President Obama not to send more Syrian refugees to Nevada until the White House thoroughly reviews the refugee screening process.

The request comes after deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

Sandoval had a conference call with Obama and other governors Tuesday, and said he left convinced that refugee security clearance needs review and federal officials need to coordinate more with states on refugee placement.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (17)
  1. Justice says - Posted: November 19, 2015

    Insane-Hussein is intent on flooding this country with fake refugees and illegals which endangers all. Nevada should start by announcing the state will be denying all welfare services to all non-citizens. This should be in all of the states for common sense. At least in conservative states it has a chance of being implemented.

  2. Tahoebluewire says - Posted: November 19, 2015

    Justice is a scared backwoods coward.

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    I’m agreeing with bluewire on two consecutive posts…amazing!

  4. don't give up says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Justice you are so mean for putting Americans first and Bluewire and Humm you are so compassionate for putting Americans last.

  5. don't give up says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Kae, are you blocking certain words. My comment that wouldn’t offend but had great humor was blocked by “error 404.”

  6. admin says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Refresh your browser. The error 404 has nothing to do with the words you are using. Sometimes there are hiccups in the system. We apologize for that.

    LTN staff

  7. don't give up says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    I tried four or five times but only after I removed the majority of my words which were the funny ones did it go through. I know computers can be cantankerous but it felt more like blocking. Things happen, I guess.

  8. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    What kind of pathetic willfully ignorant foxbot finds humor in 1000’s of innocent families fleeing barbarian religious fanatics?-

    Probably the same kind of dupe that thinks responding with warmongering violence is the plan because it has worked so well in the past- What have we become because of the low-info, intellectually lazy hate radio believers?-

  9. Lisa says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Justice, we have settle 3/4 of a million refugees since 9/11. Of those, exactly 3 have been arrested on terrorism charges. During that same time 92 American citizens have been arrested on those charges. If you really want to put America first, then you had better kick out all the Americans. The vetting process already takes about 18 months. Are you really that afraid?

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Justn@ss, sure… We know you are scared of Orphans and Widows in your Third Reich Bunker., but above ground, YES real Homo Sapiens do care and empathize, it is what Humans do.

    Remember, just a few weeks ago how everybody was wondering what to do about the children refugees from Syria that were drowning while trying to flee?

    Remember last year when you were so scared of Ebola Zombies coming over the border?

    Remember how scared you were that the Affordable Care was going to wreak the economy with Death Squads?

  11. Lisa says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Don’t give up… how is this putting Americans last? Since 911 we have resettled over 750,000 refugees. In that time, exactly 3 have been arrested on terrorism charges. In that same time, 92 American citizens have been arrested on those charges. If you really want to keep America safe, maybe you need to kick out all the Americans. The ignorance and racism in this bill is astounding. These are the people that are FLEEING Daesh (ISIS), not their friends. The vetting process already one to two years. No, Daesh is watching all this panic and it laughing. We have played right into their hands and given them the best recruiting tool they could ever have wanted. Sad.

  12. don't give up says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Yea folks let’s just keep paying for all this with borrowed Chinese money. For one-twelfth the cost they could be resettled in safe areas of the middle east.
    What amazes me is how so many people hate their own country.
    Why don’t you incredibly generous folks invite them into your house as permanent residents and provide for them?

  13. Justice says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    Leftist lunatics want OTHERS to pay for people illegally entering this country and for refugees brought in against the will of the majority, these crazed leftists are as good at border security as they are a letting out career criminals to find new victims. They don’t want illegals and refugees to cost them or be near their houses, this country wrecking effort is all being done by the liberal lunatic known as Insane-Hussein who is trying hard to not do anything to secure the border or combat growing terror attacks killing our citizens across the world. His latest brilliance was not attacking ISIS targets until he dropped leaflets telling civilian and ISIS employees the attack was coming, again liberal brilliance at work. This is what you get with a radical leftist from Kenya.

  14. Rick says - Posted: November 20, 2015

    D-, your rants are have no coherent thought and are simply weird ramblings. the scary thing is I think you are white and own lots of guns, and pretty clearly spout racist rhetoric – which puts you in the group (white racist men) which is far more likely to engage in a terrorist act then all of the refugees put together.

    I suggest you go back on your meds or up your game if you want to be considered an “A” rated troll.


  15. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 21, 2015

    No Justice…to pay for this we want Congress to harvest from each (except for the young women, oh we got PLANS for the young women…heh heh heh, nudge nudge wink wink Internetporn search delete)refugee: an eyeball, a kidney, two thumbs and both Achilles tendons(that way they can’t detonate a suicide vest or run from the sweatshop slavery we employ them at, since you want to send all the ‘hispanics’ who process your bacon and chicken and beef away too). Might as well cut their tongues out and their ears off too while we’re at it. That way cretins like you have some snacks(ever microwave an eyeball? I did it to a cow’s eyeball when I took human anatomy in college…gives new meaning to the word ‘poppers’) while you watch Armageddon unfold on Fox and CBS(artfully packaged with patriotic theme music, a flag and a corporate logo or seven to look like the Election, or the Superbowl…not that there’s much of a difference between the two) on your new made in Korea Walmart flatscreen media center…as other people’s son’s and daughters rush headlong towards ‘heaven’ while you frenzy yourself to the Star Spangled Banner, Home Shopping Network chicks and your favorite Christmas carols(I recommend ‘O Holy Night’ ‘Silent Night’, ‘Joy to the World’ and ‘Little Bomber Boy(oops-a typo, think I’ll leave it in).

    What the Hell is wrong with you? You are one sick hateful disgusting chunk of Pamper sploogee.

    @Don’t give up: It is offensive to me that you assume that just because I am critical of Trump, Carson, The TeaParty, Bohner and their corporate masters that I don’t love this country. I recommend the Jackson Brown album “Lives in the Balance’ for a precis on why we of the political left don’t believe the rhetoric of ‘political right’, though I would be surprised if you understood much of it.

  16. Liberule says - Posted: November 21, 2015

    Hmmm: you’re really starting to become unhinged aren’t you? Pretty entertaining to watch. Thanks.

  17. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 21, 2015

    Me? Nah. Just strong coffee this morning. If you want to read unhinged, Read Justice, Kits, Dogula…and that megalomaniac Librule(he thinks he ‘owns the town’ AND a slew of Dennis Rodman’s, also thinks men are boys and is downwrong offensive in so many ways). By the way, aren’t you the one who was fondly ‘dreaming’ of blowing someone’s brains out?

    Here’s the thing…Daesh is trying to goad the West into what they consider to be ‘Armageddon’…and the Christian Right wants that too. I don’t like murderous hypocritical barbarians, no matter how cultured or religious they pretty themselves up to appear: Cruz, Trump, Palin, McCain, LaPierre, et al are still pigs. Personally I like this planet and don’t want to see it wrecked by the greedy, the crazy and the funded-mentalists(or fundamentalists).

    Anyway, enjoy your poppers…