Sandoval asks Obama to review refugee eligibility


By Marcella Corona, Reno Gazette-Journal

Gov. Brian Sandoval joined with other political leaders on Monday who say admitting Syrian refugees into the United States could pose a risk to citizens.

Sandoval said he was concerned first and foremost with Nevada’s security following a recent attack on Paris that killed at least 132 people and injured hundreds more on Friday.

“…It is in the interest of all Nevadans and the millions who travel to our state annually to insist on extensive evaluations of any potential risk individuals may pose to Nevada or our national security,” Sandoval said in a statement on Monday.

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Comments (9)
  1. Justice says - Posted: November 17, 2015

    The lunatic senile Jerry and the Hussein liberals want to accept these Muslim’s into state’s who’s residents don’t want them. It isn’t worth the risk or the welfare. Pure lunacy to think they are background checked in any way when it is far too dangerous to trust the countries records they come from. People need to stop this insanity.

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 17, 2015

    I wonder what the Supreme Court has to say about that.

  3. J says - Posted: November 17, 2015

    I guess we are destined for some very troubleing times ahead, the floodgates will be operating at full force of what was once the land of the free, we have no say anymore even though “the powers of be” in charge who are suppose to be working for us, so I thought.
    This regime just does what they want to do, welcome to the new USA, a land that we no longer have a say as we get taxed to death as they allow in potential “no strings attached” (on our dime) a race of people who may harm us as Americans. Excuse me now as I will go stick my head in the sand as I can no longer bare to watch what is about to unfold before our eyes, that once upon a time was the greatest country on the planet.
    Hold On!

  4. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 18, 2015

    J…Bare (NAKED), bear(A BURDEN) BEAR(AN ANIMAL) what’s the difference? The difference is sorted out in you brain with CONTEXT, which in turn allows said brain to read at a speed that contributes to comprehension. There, their, they’re? Site, cite, sight? That my friends is why..

    The people that cannot speak or spell the English language with any competency are the problem.

    The Tower of Babble ring a bell people?

    Learning to read and write English…excuse me…English?? What’s that? The language of the land that’s what…the language our American rules are written in.

    Circular arguments ensue when comprehension is absent. Plenty of those going on around here!

  5. Hmmm... says - Posted: November 18, 2015

    Personally, I think the people who know the language so well that they use it in a manner to obscure, mislead and manipulate…for example attorneys, politicians and advertisers are, to me, the bigger problem.

  6. nature bats last says - Posted: November 18, 2015

    Justanass YAWN

    another drink for me!

  7. Robin Smith says - Posted: November 18, 2015

    Hmmm…that’s probably an equally valid position.

  8. Liberule says - Posted: November 19, 2015

    Nature bats: it’s obvious you have a drinking problem. Get help. I can point you in the direction of some services if you like. There is help out there and you DONT have to do it alone.

  9. Isee says - Posted: November 19, 2015

    Robin- People think if they speak English they are literate. Language teachers know that you have to know the parts of speech in your native language in order to learn another . We’ve become a nation of empty heads.
    Does anyone think a person passing unimpeded into this country from the south, can’t be a radical in disguise? Either we have control of all our borders or none of them. It’s the definition of insanity the way we are doing it now. For instance, what’s the deal with visa-wavers for European travelers? Or the nightly planes full of undocumented Asians flying into sanctuary cities like S.F. and then disappearing into our society? Let’s not start at the obvious problems, whatever we do.