Letter: Food bank looking for shelter for client


To the community,

The Food Bank of El Dorado County is committed to helping with the homeless issue in El Dorado County one person at a time. We have adopted a young single mother that is homeless and have provided a job at the Food Bank.

We need help with a temporary place for her to live. We have located a donor that is willing to provide the property if we can find a trailer with a holding tank for temporary use until we can get this mother placed in her own apartment.

The Food Bank is looking for a 25-foot by-40-foot camp trailer or modular. A donation would be optimum, but we are willing to take one on loan or purchase one for a very reasonable price. Do you have a trailer just sitting around that could be put to good use and are willing to help this young mother in need?

Contact us at the Food Bank of El Dorado County today — 530.621.9950.

Together we can make a difference in her life and her children’s lives.

Rachel Galvin, Food Bank of El Dorado County


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Comments (12)
  1. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    If you have the money to purchase, then why not get one at a local trailer park? That is if they don’t mind living around Meth heads.

  2. Hikerchick says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    A 25×40 foot trailer is fairly large for two people and temporary housing. Many RVers live for months or years in much smaller rigs. I only say this as accepting something smaller might make it easier to find something.
    Even a 23′ trailer might do for this purpose.

  3. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    I agree. They should be grateful for anything they get, not set standards for a large place from the start. Beggars can’t be choosers. Who has a 25×40 “Camp” lying around?

  4. Whip says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    25’wide is not a camp trailer, that’s even wide for a modular. I know it can’t be in Tahoe your planning this but even in the western part of the county I don’t believe it’s ‘legal’ to camp on your private property without the proper permits, septic field, etc.
    How and where do you plan to empty a holding tank on a modular home? if there is such a thing which I doubt.
    Finding her an apartment sounds like the easier thing to do.

  5. TeaTotal says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    Gaspen Carson have absolutely 0 intention of helping because they’re azzholes-I hope cognizant people will read the 2nd paragraph from the Food Bank and do what they can to help

  6. GoldenRule says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    Wow. Kindness and compassion are certainly not high of the list of attributes for residents of Tahoe. You don’t know her story.

    “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”
    ― Dalai Lama XIV

  7. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    tea bag: A bit presumptuous don’t you think? Never ASSume you fool. Is Name Calling your only source of rebuttal and have you such a limited vocabulary?
    SO, by your 2nd paragraph reference are YOU going to provide the space or structure? If not then shut your pie-hole…..hypocrite.

  8. old long skiis says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    Helping homeless people is a good thing if it’s the real deal. There are folks milking the system? Yep!
    It doesn’t hurt to try helping unless you feel you’re being scammed upon, coming to the conclusion you’re giving housing, food and money to people that could easily get back on their feet.
    Hope this young lady finds a home.
    Take care and sleep tight. OLS

  9. nature bats last says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    Kitty litter. Still pointing fingers as always
    Ga. Just plain mean and proud of it AHE

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    On any given night there are about 50,000 Veterans that are homeless.

  11. reloman says - Posted: July 30, 2015

    I don’t think the Food bank or the person donating the land understand the land use rules completely. It seems that they are looking for an RV because they need a holding tank. the largest that a RV can be is 399 square feet, there are park models that size but they wont have a holding tank as they are designed to be in a park with sewer hookups. I do not believe that there are any single or double wides that would have a holding tank, they would never meet state codes for setup. This modular or manufactured home would have to go into a park, with lot space rent.
    Now if they wanted to start a new park that would not be a bad idea to get people on their feet and then move them to something else after they are on their feet. I doubt that this could be done in the basin as residential use permits get expensive if you could find them.

  12. Hmmm... says - Posted: August 1, 2015

    There are some people who never pass up an opportunity to kick their fellow human in the ribs when they’re down.