Nev. bill would punish contractors who employ illegals


By Sandra Chereb, Las Vegas Review-Journal

CARSON CITY — Conservative Assemblyman Ira Hansen wants to prohibit licensed Nevada contractors from hiring people who are in the country illegally.

The Sparks Republican is the sponsor of Assembly Bill 133, which would require the state Contractors’ Board to investigate and take disciplinary action against contractors who knowingly employ workers who are in the country illegally.

Employers who violate the law could be put on probation and subject to quarterly reporting on new hires. Subsequent violations could result in revocation of a contractor’s license.

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Comments (17)
  1. sunriser2 says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    How about arresting government employees who give them free housing, food and medical care?

  2. About time says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    Have you ever been to Mexico there isn’t a straight line in the whole country! All the Mexican construction workers do is slap on some plaster and paint purple or some turquoise green pastel. It’s about time. Get back to tradesman and employ real craftsmen get our country back on track. And heck yeah sunrises quit giving out our stuff….have them build a wall on the boarder a big tall purple green and crooked one!!! As long as they stay out

  3. Hmmm... says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    How about arresting politicians and boards of Directors of corporations who send jobs across our BORDERS?

  4. Level says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    About Time, I’ve worked both in the restaurant business and the construction business here in California and Nevada. And hands down the hardest working, most precise, and least lazy people I have EVER worked with were Hispanic in background, and many of them were bona-fide undocumented immigrants!

  5. nature bats last says - Posted: February 25, 2015

    I wonder who cleans the toilets and pools at Ira Hansens house?

  6. David DeWitt says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    I am over 80 years old and was brought up in southern California my family was in the citrus industry. We could not operate with out Mexican labor no one asked if they were legal only if they could work. The Mexicans were brought in by the truck load. set up in housing and camps. now that we don’t need them they are a menace (how sad).

  7. Justice says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    This should be a fifty state law, as the problem is that contractors hire illegals at low wages, pay in cash, and don’t usually have any workers comp insurance on them, so if they are injured the property owner may be sued and people will get substandard work from unlicensed people who are doing the work they would in their corrupt country, these are people not only not having any background checks for serious crimes or serious diseases, many are involved in drug cartel smuggling or hiding from the cartels and are here hiding from their own countries laws and using fake papers for identity. The fact that King Hussein wants to hand out social security cards to millions with no system in place to screen people is a crime in itself.

  8. nature bats last says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    Justanass bla bla bla

    I wonder who takes out the trash at Ira Hansens house, or who picks up the doggie doo, or who keeps the driveway clean? Im just wondering…

  9. Kits Carson says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    nature: Maybe you should apply for that job.

  10. reloman says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    natyre, could it be he does that himself, not everyone needs to be pampered like you seem to be.

  11. nature bats last says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    I wonder who mows his lawn?

  12. Justice says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    Ill-Natured, your assumptions are ridiculous as usual. Nevada doesn’t have many lawns at houses in many areas, it is mostly desert in case you don’t know. Rock gardens are the norm and Hansen probably does the work around his house himself. Thinking and assuming he is hiring illegals or that he is foolish enough to do it is a very poor idea. Are you going to start hiding outside his house with a camera?

  13. About time says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    Hiring an illegal to mow your lawn is the most un American thing you can do. There was once a time when young boys would cut the grass and earn money in the summer or after school. It developed work ethic and future business owners. Now we get Julio cutting the grass sending money home

  14. duke of prunes says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    Right, because desert environments preclude lawns…
    “Nevada doesn’t have many lawns at houses in many areas”
    You know that we have satellites imagery that can quantify that, right? A quick look at NDVI data in SW Reno and it is obvious how full of plop you are.

  15. About time says - Posted: February 26, 2015

    Two things I regret that I have done, hiring some illegals to hang some drywall and tape, what a mess!,, and buying a Toyota in 1986 my dad said how could you buy that when there are still Americans alive with *** bullets in them. Keep American jobs here and if you are an American slacker get you butt in gear and get busy

  16. Justice says - Posted: February 27, 2015

    What people need to know regarding illegals is the effort of the DNC to immediately enroll them as good liberals and entrap them in their chains of poverty by telling them all of the free things they will have and that the DNC is trying to give them. The other key point is the IRS people at the recent hearings have told all once they are given a social security number they can file for years of back taxes even if they have never filed taxes and claim earned income tax credits for cash. It is already being reported that the fake identification papers are pouring out of Mexico to try to cash in on the King Hussein illegal proposal to give away our legal US citizen’s rights and the tax payers free cash. So paying people to violate the laws of this country is fine with this corrupt Hussein gang as they continue to endanger every legal citizen by allowing millions of unknown persons to remain in the country who have never had a criminal background check.

  17. nature bats last says - Posted: February 27, 2015

    Prunes, the ignorant rants by justanass are laughable. He thinks this is about mowing lawns. The whole point is that even conservative tea party types benefit from the cheap laborer who cleans their house and mows their lawn, maybe even raises their kids. I would bet if I were a “fly on the wall” of the majority of uppercrust types who can afford to hire someone to clean their toilets that given the choice to hire a local kid or working mom type (non hispanic) or paying less for a cheap daily laborer, probably a nongreen carded person, they would rather save $ and get a job well done. Its been an issue for years and there are many aspiring politicians who have been caught doing exactly that (on both sides of the aisle).