Will Nev. falter if Reid loses Senate control?


By Amber Phillips, Las Vegas Sun

WASHINGTON — As much as anyone, Harry Reid is responsible for building modern-day Nevada. He has leveraged political savvy and well-placed Washington friends to pave bike lanes, build solar plants and land Tesla Motors’ battery factory.

But Reid could lose something important this fall: His power to control the U.S. Senate.

Republicans are rising in Senate races across the country. Who controls the Senate next remains a toss-up. If Republicans take six seats back in the Nov. 4 election, Reid will lose his seven-year grip on the majority leader’s chair.

Conventional wisdom says Nevada will suffer if its senior senator loses his hold on the Senate’s top position. But the consensus of more than a dozen veteran Democratic and Republican insiders say conventional wisdom is wrong. Reid, a former boxer, has proven to be a such a skilled Senate tactician that his political capital weighs more than his title.

“I think Sen. Reid is probably the most powerful person in Washington, D.C., whether in the majority or minority,” said Tom Skancke, president of the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance and a longtime Reid supporter.

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Comments (16)
  1. Level says - Posted: September 30, 2014

    And 5 weeks out from the 2012 election many pollsters were ready to swear in Mitt Romney.

    Don’t count Harry Reid out as the Majority Leader of a democratic controlled US Senate just yet!

  2. copper says - Posted: September 30, 2014

    Thanks Level; I hope you’re right. Mitt Romney could be a dangerous candidate for those of us who love our country, simply because his shtick is to appear to be a candidate of reason, unlike the rest of the Republican gaggle. And despite the policies and positions that he represents.

    Harry Reid is an old fashioned politician who believes in getting things done rather than posturing. At 73 years of age, with a lifetime of political advocacy behind me, I’ll likely go to my grave (or my ash pile) without ever again voting for a Republican.

    I’m not interested in what the crazies want to do; my only interest, as a loyal American, is to oppose them and derail them.

  3. go figure says - Posted: September 30, 2014

    Imagine a country run by mitt romney, turns my stomach…..

  4. Dan Stroehler says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Career politicians. Disgusting. Get ’em out. Party affiliation is irrelevant. One term, in then out.

  5. Joby says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Imagine a country run by Obama…….oh ya, it is! No respect in the world, skyrocketing deficits, ISIS beheading Americans and taking over the Middle East. Russia and Putin treating us like stepchildren. My stomach is turning. As our country is in a downward spiral!

  6. Level says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Joby, I don’t remember you making any similar comments to your above Obama comment about the George W administration. And everything you mentioned pretty much happened (insert AlQueda for ISIS) during his presidency as well, did it not?

  7. go figure says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Imagine a congress that stops all progress in our country run by a gop hack that laughs at our country, our president and the world as he arrogantly thumbs his nose at every rational thing. Brought to you be mr. Boner. Sound familiar joby? You guys didnt win, not even close so get over yourselves.

  8. Joby says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Funny response!! Deficits didn’t triple under Bush, check your facts. What has Reid done in terms of legislation over the course of his tenure? Terrorism is a terrible threat that has an affect on all of us, are we better or worse today? Russia and Putin were a non factor, are we better or worse today? “Keep your doctor keep your plan, your insurance rates will go down”. Hahaha. Keep blaming Bush, he hasn’t been in office for 6 years. By no means did he have a perfect presidency, but history will show who did a better job. Mr. Transparency, is the least transparent of any President ever! “You guys didn’t win”??? Aren’t we all Americans, we are losing!! I will vote for the best candidate regardless of party. Our current President was not the best guy. He was a community organizer, not a great resume. I hope for the best for our country. The future that our kids can thrive, currently not seeing that.

  9. go figure says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Joby, who got bin laden? It sure wasnt gwb, mission accomplished!

  10. Joby says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Our military got Bin Laden and Kudos to our President for pulling the string! Unfortunately, mission far from accomplished. There are more terrorists and worse people today because of our quick exit from Iraq and Afghanistan. As much as I hate those wars and would love to see all of our Armed Forces out of harms way. We are in a much worse situation now. Our President didn’t listen to his advisors and pulled out our forces too soon. We are going to have to go back, whether he says no boots on the ground or not. It was reported this morning that 3,000 troops are on there way as we speak.

  11. go figure says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Joby, Watch steve colbert’s report on “boots on the ground” to get a real take on the situation. You obviously didnt get the “mission accomplished” reference. That was gwb’s quote when he had his GQ photo shoot soon after 9/11 on the Navy Ship. It wasnt a Obama quote. I am pretty satisfied with Obamas achievements overall. I sure wouldnt want his job.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Steve Colbert??? REALLY?????

  13. go figure says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Yeah, steve colbert! You got a problem with a little humor to lighten the mood. Figures……Boots on the ground, look it up and it is ok to laugh……

  14. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 1, 2014

    Dawg, satire is based on reality. If it weren’t truthy, it wouldn’t be funny. Mr Colbert is very funny and relevant. Most of his social commentary is spot on. Funnier than any of your types. Dennis Miller (the best one on your side) was rarely funny. Carlin, Hicks, Rock, CK, Burr, Bruce, etc etc. Vs… Miller, Jackson, that hack on Red Eye, and I can’t even name anyone else. I guess Anthony Cumia is pretty right wing… surprise, surprise, turns out he is a raging racist.
    A well developed sense of humor is also a sign of intelligence.

  15. go figure says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Humor also helps a person deal with reality and rage. We can all use some help with our inner demons. LOL :)

  16. Joby says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Needed a laugh, and got one. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully the young man that grew up with my son that is currently preparing for deployment to Iraq comes back wearing one of the many options that Mr. Colbert pointed out in his amusing segment.