Deputies recover rafter’s body from American River
The body of man who had been missing for nearly 48 hours was recovered from the South Fork American River on Monday afternoon by El Dorado County search and rescue team members.
Raymond Nocon, 32, of Folsom had been rafting with a friend when both went in the water and became separated about 9pm Aug. 16.
A resident in the area called deputies about 6:30am Aug. 17 saying a neighbor had been camping along the South Fork of the American River when the neighbor was contacted by a male adult walking along the river. The man told the neighbor that he and his buddy’s raft sank somewhere upstream from where he was.
Gorrilla Rock is approximately 13.9 miles down stream from Chili bar, and approximately 7.6 miles upstream from the Salmon Falls bridge. It is just upstream from the river area that is commonly referred to as the South Fork American River Gorge.
Air and land resources were used to locate the rafter. It wasn’t until the afternoon of Aug. 18 that Nocon’s body was found.
An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report