Letter: Tourist has advice for South Shore


Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman JoAnn Conner and is reprinted with permission.

Hello JoAnn,

I read with interest your recent editorial in the Lake Tahoe News regarding improvements to the SLT area and comparisons with Stateline.

I was looking for a place to express my opinion as a first time visitor to the area. Honestly, many of our friends told us to avoid the South Shore, and I have seen descriptions of it as a “tourist ghetto”. We are staying at Marriott’s Timber Lodge.

We were, therefore, surprised and pleased when we set out on foot from the Marriott. We can see the new sidewalk construction will be a huge plus for tourists like ourselves who like to get out and see the neighborhood. We have been to other ski areas that are as tidy as a Disney movie, and we like the mix of new and vintage that we see here. The combination of sports activities, water fun, backcountry experience, and downtown casinos seems to us to offer something for everyone and every taste. Yes, the highway is crowded, but it’s fairly easy to find seclusion when you want it.

Here’s where I think you need improvement: the pedestrian sidewalk in Stateline is just filthy and unattractive. Of course you can’t widen it, but does that mean it has to be so dirty? Why can’t it be pressured-hosed daily (as they are doing at Edgewood)? Why don’t Harrah’s and Harveys take a little more care to landscape and better maintain the scarce planters that border the main drag? Why aren’t there butt containers to accommodate the smokers who hang out near the exit doors? Why can’t the Horizon do a better job with their grounds and sidewalk entrances, which are the shabbiest and messiest on the strip?

I realize you are a council member for SLT and I’m guessing you have no control over these areas which are in NV, but I was hoping you’d pass on my comments to someone who has the influence.

These are very inexpensive details, which would go a long way toward assuring the visitor that one is in a tourist area that really cares about appearances. These little things — and especially cleanliness — means a great deal to a visitor.

I think it’s simply ridiculous that casino management is so careless about the pedestrian avenue.

Yours truly,

Barbara Johns, Palm Desert


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (35)
  1. sailor1 says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    was this written by JoAnn herself?! These people walked all over and the only comments she brought up were sidewalk conditions along Hwy 50 in Stateline? Although I will not disagree with the assessment brought forth in the letter, I think collectively the sidewalks in the south shore community, including Stateline, are atrocious. They lack continuity, width, cleanliness, lighting,and direction. Common JoAnn, you can do better than this!

  2. hmmm... says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    TahoeSouth has SIDEWALKS!!!??? No way! Really? Since when?

  3. hmmm... says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Hahaha… It DOES sound like JoAnn’s writing style. So if TahoeSouth should aspire to emulate a Disney movie, which one would it be? The nominees are: Karate Kid 2(with Tom Davis as Miyagi’s nemesis), Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are too obvious, Pinocchio(the hamlet that wanted to be a REAL town), Lady and the Tramp(oh wait…there are no homeless tramps in TahoeSouth). Or perhaps…Pretty Woman. We could have lot of fun with this. Til the Contra’s come down off the Matterhorn and put the local potshops out of business. Let the voting begin!

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013


    I think your comments addressed this perfectly. It does read like something Ms. Conner would pen and then request permission to affix Ms. Jones’ name on, especially with Conner’s historically vocal distrust of Douglas County along with her unconditional separation of California from Nevada.

    The reference to liking the mix of “new and vintage” was kindhearted as was the recognition that eventual sidewalks would be a benefit. SLT needs a huge amount of work, but the good thing is that improvements can be affected if the people in this community want that to be a priority and work toward making that happen. If the majority of people are of the belief that “this is good enough” then nothing of substance will happen, deterioration will continue, and the description of SLT as a “tourist ghetto” will be completely applicable.

    In light of so many people believing that government is the problem I guess it’s up to the good people of this town to decide what it is they want and then direct that outcome, whatever that may be.

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    I really doubt JoAnn would write a fake letter adressed to herslf and then add a fake name at the bottom. JoAnn was a great help in getting the burned out grow house behind me cleaned up. Thank you JoAnn!!!
    Barbara Johns does have a point and I’ll add to it. This whole town needs to be cleaned up! Lets start at the Y and evaluate every commercial building along hwy 50. This could be done by a committee or prvate parties. Contact the property owner and let them know of improvements that should be made, painting, seal coating the parking lot, landscaping and other upgrades. This should also be extended to our residential areas. LOTS of run down houses around town!I spoke with Janet yesterday with the Code Enforcement Dept. She’s on it! Be it abandoned cars, a run down house that’s in need of repair, a cluttered yard full of junk with a car up on blocks. She is short on staff so it will take time to get the problem resolved in your neighborhood but give her a call and get that crappy looking house cleaned up on your street or any others you see. Clean Tahoe is also another excellent agency to call.
    Lets clean up So.Shore! One property at a time and we’ll get there.
    When people run down So. Shore it really hurts me to my very soul. This has been my home for 51 years And I won’t stand by quietly when someone makes disparaging remarks about the town I grew up in.
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis (one house at a time!)

  6. Steve says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    The author of the letter should be advised that “Come to the Wild Side” is the advertising message that LTVA came up with to attract ages 25-54 and families a year or two ago, and that this includes the sidewalks she describes. At least she never made it as far as the new parking meters.

  7. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Hi Skiis.

    Do you ever get the impression that your pleas to this community’s members to clean up the South Shore is falling on deaf ears? Seems to me that the majority of people would rather seize the opportunity to make completely non-associated glib or critical remarks than focus on the real topic that the town looks rundown and needs work. It’s kind of disheartening, but I think your suggestions were excellent.

    Hope all is well for you.

  8. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Interesting that because she disspelled the myth of South Lake Tahoe being a “tourist ghetto,” some of you call into question both her integrity and mine.

    Amazing that this letter, written by a tourist who signed her name, should be turned against because she actually thought South Lake Tahoe was attractive, and noticed the disparity between what people had told her and what actually was.

    Admin has her email address. I don’t know this person, but would gladly shake her hand for noticing the good that has been done in our town and for taking time to let us know she likes what she sees here.

    4-mer, I take exception to your comments. Loving my town and being proud of it’s accomplishments does not equate to “distrust of Douglas County.” My problems with them arise when they are openly critical of our appearance and want to change us, to the detriment of many of our citizens and tax base, while they have their own work to do.Disagreeing with someone who doesn’t have your best interests in mind means you are standing up for your town, and that is what I was asked to do, in spite of the people who, as you state, would rather complain than do something.

    This woman took the time to give us a compliment and what did she get? Criticism: she couldn’t possibly have written those nice things about our town, must be Conner. Is that a compliment to me or a slam – I like my town?

    If I have something to say, I don’t hide behind an alias. I take the fire, full on, and sometimes, rarely, the thanks (thanks, Old Long Skiis).

    You appear to be well informed and definitely have opinions. Running in 2014 might give you the chance to actually fix some of the things you don’t like. If that isn’t good for you, Old Long Skiis has a good point too. Put your energy into helping fix up our town and you might find it rewarding. You probably won’t get any thanks, but it might make you feel good, none-the-less.

  9. Irish Wahini says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    I thought the letter from Barbara Johns was pretty much right-on! She should have sent it to LTVA so they could encourage the casino sector to “clean up” and landscape the core area. Casinos did make $ this year… It might be a good idea for LTVA to draw up a “guest survey” to invite our visitors to comment on what they like what they feel needs improving in South Lake Tahoe & Stateline areas — I’ll bet no one comments that we need a loop road!

    I also think JoAnn Connors is a breath of fresh air on the City Council, and does try to address issues openly and honestly. Quit bashing the newcomer….

    I think we need better street sweeping trucks that don’t spew all the dirt they inhale into the air, creating dirt-clouds everywhere! I think we should get rid of the parking kiosks, and invite people to enjoy our views and businesses without a parking-fee (& clogging up neighborhoods for parking). Heavenly Valley is going to make vast improvements to SLT’s recreation opportunities, and hopefully visitors there will visit local food & beverage, shops, etc without being discouraged by parking fees & fines.

  10. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    If you think the sidewalks are dirty, you should definitely not go hiking.

  11. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Ms. Conner:

    Oh my goodness, such a strong reaction. I did not criticize a person who supposedly “gave us a compliment”. What I was calling into question was the authenticity of this letter. With regard to your integrity that is something with which you need to be comfortable and what I think should have no bearing on that.

    I vividly recall that in the year prior to your running for City Council you regularly attended, addressed (always prefaced with that you were the President of the “Little Guys” Chamber), and criticized that former Council while simultaneously blogging on this website about their shortcomings and decisions with which you disagreed. While the acceptance of dispensing “heat” apparently alters subsequent to being elected, you don’t get to re-write history.

    Regarding the condition of this town, the City Council at nearly every meeting references the rundown condition of the town, what they are trying to do to make improvements and to finance those improvements, and practically everyone who blogs on this site criticizes the appearance of SLT along with unending criticism of the City Council and staff. You’re correct, I am well informed, and what I see at many Council meetings and what I read in this publication is that every improvement the City attempts to make, no matter how large or small, is largely met with criticism and opposition by some of the people who live here. You read these blogs, and you know that almost all of my positions are in support of the City Council and absolutely in support of the City staff. The fact that you don’t like a comment that I made doesn’t alter that. And for the record, I appreciate everything the City Council and staff are trying to do for this community in the face of continual challenges.

    Regarding your distrust of Douglas County (which has nothing to do with loving your town and being proud of its accomplishments that also includes a lot of work by Caltrans and funding from the CTC), all one needs to do is watch any City Council meeting where there’s been a discussion involving the TTD or the Loop Road. Historically you’ve repeatedly accused Nevada of wanting to reroute SLT’s business into Nevada via the Loop Road, and whether you meant for that to sound like distrust that’s what it sounded like. To me, that just doesn’t sound like an attempt to cultivate a working relationship toward reaching any kind of mutually beneficial outcome.

    Lastly, I can’t run for City Council because I live in the EDC area of SLT, but I do own property within the SLT City limits. That property ownership coupled with the fact that everything the City does impacts the County residents contributes to why I closely watch every City Council meeting and remain well informed. You know as well as I that you’ll likely never get a thanks for serving on the City Council, just like the City staff rarely receives a thanks from the public for their hard work. That’s the truly unfortunate reality of being involved in local government, which fair or not, is how it seems to be.

  12. BijouBill says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    I know that revitalization of South Shore will take working with our neighbors on the Nevada side but I think a little distrust by Councilmember Connor is historically well-deserved. For years the contributions of City and State services provided by the Calif. taxpayers far outweigh those of the casinos and ski resorts when it comes to the basics of infrastructure of this town. I hope JoAnn continues to negotiate from strength and refuses to capitulate to every whim of the developers, as has been the case for decades.

  13. Shenja says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    The fact that we provide public transportation to Carson city and the Minden/Gardnerville areas and not to the community of Meyers is a strong reason to be critical of the separation between Douglas county and the people whoe really work for the city of South Lake Tahoe … Keep fighting for those of us who deserve it JoAnn!…Thanks!

  14. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Bijou Bill:

    I’m a relative newcomer to SLT and have only lived here about 14-years. I’m lacking a long-term history about a lot of SLT and of the contributions of City and State services provided by the California taxpayers that far outweigh those of the casinos and ski resorts when it comes to the basics of infrastructure of SLT. I would very much like to have a better understanding of this if you would be willing to share such as the more history I learn the better I can understand the dynamics of the town/region.

    Thank you.

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Ms. Conner:

    Regarding Shenja’s comment about public transportation to Carson City, as the City Council’s alternate representative to the TTD Board would you please explain the conformation of that Board’s representation and if any of those organizations provide any funding for that BlueGo public transportation to Carson City. I assume the majority of that bus ridership to and from Carson is to pick up and deliver Nevada residents that work at the Casino’s which are located at Stateline, Nevada. Also, does the City of SLT provide funding for BlueGo and if so what percent of the total do they provide.

    Thank you.

  16. BijouBill says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    You can start with schooling, parks and recreation, transportation and road maintenance, fire and police, access to housing, social and medical services and the hospital to name a few provided by our City and Ca. State taxpayers for most of the casino and ski resort employees and guests that allow these businesses to make profits. What have they contributed in the last 35-40 years to these costs compared to what we provide?
    Did that help you get a slightly better understanding of the dynamics of how we’ve been getting the short end of the stick on this side of the line? There’s lots of people with money, there’s only one Lake Tahoe. Let’s just try to get some better deals is all I’m sayin’ and I think JoAnn Connor is trying to do that.

  17. GRUNT'S says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Happy to see other people are getting it.

    Just “Follow The Money Ladies and Gentlemen, – – Follow The Money.”

    That will usually tell you exactly the reason for things being the way they are…

  18. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    Bijou Bill:

    Is South Lake Tahoe getting the short end of the stick because the casino and ski resort employees live in California and use California housing, social/medical/hospital services, send their kids to school in California, and use SLT’s parks and recreation, transportation, roads, fire and police, and because the tourists that go to the casinos and ski resorts are using SLT’s roads?

  19. Reloman says - Posted: July 20, 2013

    BijouBill If you are talking about the employees of the casinos & Ski resorts that live in the city, if they work in Nevada and live in CA then they pay the same taxes that you and I do, ie income, real Estate taxes, and Sales Taxes. If you are talking about our visitors and they are staying in Nevada and coming from CA then they would be using INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 50 a federal highway that is not paid for by us but rather Federal funds. Not only that but it is more than likely that many of them are shopping and eating in our city and paying city sales taxes. If they are staying in the city then they are paying a TOT tax as well as paying sales Taxes. TOT taxes alone come to almost 9 million a year % of the general fund revenues. People do come to our town to Ski in winter and Gambling is one of amenity that draws them here rather than Mammoth or Colorado. We must STOP this them verses us fighting and work together to make the whole area better. We are getting new curbs, sidewalks, and streetlights along highway 50 to be completed within the next few years. As far as Blue go goes correct me if I am wrong but did not our bus system go into bankruptcy and have to be merged with the Nevada system in order to save it at all a couple of years ago? And was not there service to Carson and Mindon already being done on the Nevada system before the merger? As far a Myers is concerned I do believe there was so service out there years ago but it was dropped due to not enough riders to support it. Are the people who live in Myers asking the City to subsidized their ridership with out paying for it thru their property taxes? Should this not subsidy be paid for by El Dorado County?

  20. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    4-mer: My issue was with your comment “What I was calling into question was the authenticity of this letter. With regard to your integrity that is something with which you need to be comfortable and what I think should have no bearing on that.”

    I am extremely comfortable with my integrity and honor and serve the people without personal gain. However, if you attack my integrity, I will call you on that.

    You are entitled to disagree with a stand I may take based on what the majority of people communicate, but attempting to discredit my honor is way off base.It’s not “re-writing history” to take offense at an insult against my character.

    Many of our citizens and the majority of our Council feel the Loop Road proposed by TTD and actively pushed by Nevada representation would be harmful to our community. The Loop Road, as they wish it to be, would take traffic away from the greatest redevelopment area and the highest tax revenue in South Lake Tahoe.It would take people’s homes and businesses. It would take them by the parking lots of the casinos, directly to Edgewood Mountain (the new retail outlets coming right across from Mont Bleu where the sleigh rides are now). We, in South Lake Tahoe, have been told by these same interests that they “don’t care what we think” and the latest is a meeting coming up where the flyer is worded in such a way as to intimate TTD can acquire your property and relocate you whether you like it or not, and whether the Council votes for eminent domain or not (we won’t).
    Maybe you think standing up for the people of South Lake Tahoe is wrong and that, in your mind, equates to anti-Nevada. Being a doormat doesn’t make one pro-Nevada and being against a project that would hurt a large number of our citizens and business owners is not being anti-Nevada.It’s anti this project and the way it has been handled.
    When I spoke for the South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, I did just that. My presentations and comments to the Council were based on what the Board and membership wanted me to say. And I did it under my own name.
    Sometimes we were against a stance of the Council and sometimes we agreed with the Council. If you will note, the Council still does not agree 100% of the time. That’s human. And we don’t call each other “anti-Council” when we disagree, even when it is serious disagreement.You don’t get your way all the time.

  21. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    Ms. Conner:

    Thank you for your response and advisement that your integrity is fully intact and that you are honored to serve the people of SLT even though “you probably won’t get any thanks” as you stated in a previous post. And thank you for advising of a new retail outlet development slated to take place right across from MontBleu where the sleigh rides are now. I’d heard of Edgewood Corp’s development near the golf course on the Horizon side of Highway 50 but nothing about this other new retail development that you’ve identified called ‘Edgewood Mountain’. I must admit I’m surprised to have never heard a single Council remark at the end of the meetings during Council comments on this matter since as you said in your most recent post “the majority of our Council feel the Loop Road proposed by TTD and actively pushed by Nevada representation would be harmful to our community.” And the fact that you don’t distrust Douglas County is truly remarkable, especially after sharing in your most recent post that “We, in South Lake Tahoe, have been told by these same interests that they “don’t care what we think”. As I stated in an earlier post, “I appreciate everything the City Council and staff are trying to do for this community in the face of continual challenges.”

    One other item, another poster on this blog named Shenja earlier commented about public transportation to Carson City. As the City Council’s alternate representative to the TTD Board would you please explain the conformation of that Board’s representation and if any of those organizations provide any funding for that BlueGo public transportation to Carson City. As I said earlier, I assume the majority of that bus ridership to and from Carson is to pick up and deliver Nevada residents that work at the Casino’s which are located at Stateline, Nevada, and I’m also curious about any funding the City of SLT provides for BlueGo.

    Thank you.

  22. lou pierini says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    4-mer, If you reveled your name you might increase your integrity.

  23. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    Mr. Pierini:

    Thank you for sharing your concern regarding my integrity, however what you think of me is of no importance. The reason I don’t use my name is because my name, street address, and telephone number is in the telephone book and since I frequently agree with the City Council’s decisions on issues which are generally unpopular with so many other individuals I don’t want to put my family at risk of being harmed by someone who wants to get even with me for having a different opinion than they. Being castigated in a blog for having my own opinions is as great a risk to my family’s welfare as I’m willing to accept. If that’s not acceptable to you that is certainly your choice.

  24. lou pierini says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    4-mer, So those of us who use are real names are putting ourselves and are families at risk?

  25. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    Mr. Pieriri:

    Probably not you because your remarks are generally critical of the City, the City Council and of most other agencies. But like I said, I frequently agree with the City/City Council/other agencies on controversial issues such as paid parking which are outside the mainstream positions of a lot of very “passionate” opponents. I’m not placing anyone I care about in a position of risk from a zealot who wants to get even with me because I don’t share the same opinion they do. Now if someone just wanted to come directly at me that would be a different situation, then I’d just shoot them. But I’d rather not have to do that.

  26. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    And Mr. Pierini in case you’re wondering, if someone did harm one of my loved ones, they’d better have made their peace with God.

  27. TeaTotal says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    4-mer- I think you are way overestimating the importance and impact of your opinions. Nobody really gives a rush that you agree with the council on some things. Threatening violence is bs and you have never been ‘castigated’ on here that I know of. Chill out man.

  28. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013


    You’re entitled to your opinions as am I. And I don’t take chances. People can end up dead before their time that way.

  29. Lou Pierini says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    4-mer Your post on this issue makes me wonder about your stability.

  30. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    Mr. Pierini:

    I don’t care what you think. You’re not a friend, you and I think nothing alike, and you’re not someone with whom I would choose to associate. And if your apprehension regarding any individual’s stability is of such great concern, it really doesn’t make much sense to antagonize them.

  31. admin says - Posted: July 21, 2013

    It’s time to move on. You all don’t have to like each other.

    LTN staff

  32. MTT says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    The visual appeal of the sidewalks in the
    casino corridor seems like constructive criticism. It is a long stretch with not much going on. Seems I spend my time walking through there trying not to get run over by the many cars and trucks using the Entry and exist for the parking garages. clean it up, put in some seasonal planters. A few places to sit and rest while breathing the smog? Would not cost much. Show the casinos the complaint and see what they say.

    On a side note I would assume pressure washing any large area of concrete would invoke the wrath of the TRPA? where would the dirty water go?

    And while they are at it, why not install a two story facade or perfect river rock and fake Log. Then it would look exactly the same as everything else being built

  33. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    “On a side note I would assume pressure washing any large area of concrete would invoke the wrath of the TRPA? where would the dirty water go?”

    Those imaginary people in your head must be really annoying. (you’re wrong)

  34. politics says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    i cant believe you people really have all this time to write on these comments… seriously, get out there and do something productive for our city. actions speak louder then words.

  35. Drakezero says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    Heres a few things we could do to help SLT

    1. Get rid of Trailer Parks.
    2. Change the “Poverty with a view mentality
    3. Make every business fix there properties on the 50.
    4. Build an actual village by the casinos.
    5. Change all of Tahoe to NV:)
    6. Call I.C.E
    7.Stop with all the Cops everywhere. How many do we need in a 8 mile radius?
    8. Invest in Small Business.
    9.And to all the property and business owners that are selling. Stop thinking its worth millions and sell your S*&%. Let new blood rebuild Tahoe…