RAOK: Less snow to clear because of thoughtful neighbor
Helping neighbors with snow removal. It might seem just like the neighborly thing to do, but one neighbor thinks Celine Smania should know how appreciated she is.
Celine is Lake Tahoe News’ latest Random Acts of Kindness winner. She will be receiving a gift certificate to dine at Echo Restaurant at Embassy Suites.
Random Acts of Kindness is about recognizing those who do things that are kind. It could be helping to clear snow, holding open a door, giving some cash, providing a ride — whatever.
Tell us about your Random Act of Kindness by writing about it in the comments section at the end of the story. Let us know about the kindness you have given, you have received or you have witnessed.
RAOK is going on throughout January.
There are a few rules associated with Random Acts of Kindness. If you want to read them, check out this story.
At first, you told the of the kind act. Lately, there is no story. What did Celine do? What warms us up is hearing what the kind act(s) of kindness is/was – not so much what they won. Put out the ideas on how folks can be nice!
Celine helped with snow removal.
All previous RAOKs are listed at the top of the page under the Random Acts of Kindness story.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
When I came home from work last night my husband had cleaned the house. He even wiped down the doors!
An older woman was struggling out of KMart with some packages recently. It was clear that she was having difficulty walking and was in considerable pain. Brenda Knox stopped to inquire if she could help her. The woman gratefully accepted the assistance to her vehicle explaining she had recently fallen and was having difficulty doing routine chores and errands. Brenda often pauses to help others and this is just one of those times.
My neighbor works for CalTrans all night and when he arrives from work, he gets his snowblower out and clears my 4-car drive after his, then goes to bed and starts his day all over again … I try to give him cookies and food,ski tix, (he says no, its all about taking care of each other …) but at least I make up for it by watering the grass in the summer … he’s the best neighbor ever!!!!!