  • Ex-parks commissioner against Measure B

    Ex-parks commissioner against Measure B

    By Jerome Evans Measure B on the November 3rd ballot is no more and no less than a raid on the Measure S funds that were voted by the people of South Lake Tahoe nine years ago. A stealth raid, it may be said. It would add Little League play fields to projects eligible for […]

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  • HOPE — all about helping LTCC students

    HOPE — all about helping LTCC students

    By Ana Guzman Hispanos Orgullosos Preparandose para la Excelencia, HOPE, is a club at Lake Tahoe Community College. Arturo Rangel is the Outreach Technician at LTCC and also the advisor for HOPE. This club is based on the financial necessities of AB540 students, who for legal reasons are not able to apply for federal financial […]

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  • Rosas — Balancing school and life

    Rosas — Balancing school and life

    By James Rosas This is my first year attending Tallac, but I’ve been involved with the school since my junior year. I am also an up and coming artist and Tallac gives me a generous amount of support. The main reason I appreciate Tallac is that the staff understands we the students have a life […]

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  • Reaves — Finally, a school that understands

    Reaves — Finally, a school that understands

    By Deawna Reaves I am 16 years old. I started my 9th-grade year at South Lake Tahoe High School. Now, as a junior, I have gone through independent study, charter community school and Mount Tallac High School. All the other schools were good, but Tallac just works better for me. I plan to stay at […]

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  • Prieto — Overcoming obstacles

    Prieto — Overcoming obstacles

    By Maricela Prieto I’m a senior at Mt. Tallac. I am a mother, a daughter, and a student. At this point in my life I am very proud of who I’ve become. This past summer I overcame many challenges. One of the biggest obstacles for me was hiking up Job’s Sister Peak with Generation Green. […]

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  • Cyclists to SLT — repeal Measure B

    Cyclists to SLT — repeal Measure B

    Dear Members of the City Council, Unfortunately and untimely, I am not able to present this notice in person during the City Council meeting scheduled on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, because I am out of the country. Therefore, I submit the following notice to be read during the public comment period and placed into the […]

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  • Mt. Tallac — more than a high school

    Mt. Tallac — more than a high school

    Publisher’s Note: Lake Tahoe News will be publishing articles from Mt. Tallac High School students through Oct. 21. The South Lake Tahoe school is having an open house Oct. 21 from 9am-noon. But first, a few words from the woman who runs the show. By Susan Baker Mt. Tallac High School, in the words of […]

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  • Olvera — Life’s a roller coaster

    Olvera — Life’s a roller coaster

    By Stephanie Olvera I am a really nice person and I always have a smile on my face. I have been through a lot, good things and bad. It’s been like a roller coaster, sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down. It always seemed like I was at the bottom of the loop ever since I […]

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  • Share the road reminder

    Share the road reminder

    Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Now that the heat has subsided, many people are riding bicycles to work and back. This is the time of year when daylight hours diminish leaving riders to commute often in the dark. With safety in mind, Nevada Revised Statutes dictate cyclists and motorists are to abide by the same laws […]

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  • Educator touts benefits of preschool

    Educator touts benefits of preschool

    By Vicki Barber Helping children succeed in school and life is the primary focus of education. We are blessed in El Dorado County to have a K-12 system with high academic standards and safe learning environments where our children can and do excel. Of the many factors which contribute to school success, a quality preschool […]

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