King’s words still inspire long after his death

By Associated Press

Though his voice was silenced nearly 50 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of nonviolence still resonates and inspires.

Decades ago, the famed civil rights leader – also regarded as one of America’s greatest orators – recalled driving one night from Atlanta to Chattanooga, Tennessee, with his brother A.D. at the wheel. Most cars in the opposite lane failed to dim their lights, and his brother angrily vowed to keep his bright lights on in retaliation.

“And I looked at him right quick and said: ‘Oh no, don’t do that. There’d be too much light on this highway, and it will end up in mutual destruction for all. Somebody got to have some sense on this highway,'” King told the congregation at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Ala., during a 1957 sermon.

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