Letter: Prop. 47 should be defeated

To the community,

With in-your-face audacity, Proposition 47 is misleadingly titled “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” Here’s what it actually does:

  • Allows for the release of nearly 10,000 criminals from prison
  • Downgrades many felonies to misdemeanors
  • Shifts financial burden away from the State to local government.

Brian Uhler

Brian Uhler

I cannot imagine how anyone’s neighborhood or school will be safer by releasing thousands of known violent offenders from prison. A better title might have been, “Locals Pay for the State Problem Act.”

Our criminal justice system often relies on convicting very dangerous people for crimes that Proposition 47 downgrades to misdemeanors. Proposition 47 downgrades crimes like possession of date rape drugs, stealing guns, forgery, and identity theft. Dangerous and violent gangs rely on some of these so-called minor crimes to get guns and money. If you like the idea of enabling people who commit these crimes, then you might want to vote for this proposition.

In your California Official Voter Information Guide, those who prepared the argument “for” Proposition 47, in bold face state, “PROPOSITION 47 IS SUPPORTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT.” While there may be some strange law enforcement fringe element that supports it, the major law enforcement groups in California vehemently oppose Proposition 47. These include: California Peace Officers Association, California State Sheriffs’ Association, California Police Chiefs Association and California Fraternal Order of Police.

I hope this weird and dangerous utopian dream will be thwarted by people with common sense. Releasing 10,000 convicted felons doesn’t make anyone safer. Don’t be fooled by the misleading name of this proposition and the false claim that it is “supported by law enforcement.” Schools and neighborhoods will not be safer. I urge you to vote no on Proposition 47.

Thank you,

Brian Uhler, South Lake Tahoe chief of police