Backcountry of Chile feature of film on North Shore

Alpenglow Sports presents the fifth and final installment of the 2012-13 Winter Film Series featuring Donny Roth on March 14 at Olympic Valley Lodge.

Roth has spent nine years searching remote corners of Chile looking for the perfect Southern Hemisphere backcountry skiing location. 2012 brought below average snowfall that created a last-second change of plans with two friends. Pulling together some unusual resources, the three friends head into the Cordillera, where few people have traveled in the winter. For a week, the team explores unique terrain, is blown away by incredible sunsets and condors flying overhead, all while making first descents on a daily basis.

As amazing as the trip was, the story has just begun. Is this the future of backcountry skiing in South America?

The Winter Film Series is free. It is designed to motivate, inspire, and educate. The show begins at 7pm.

Call Alpenglow Sports at (530) 583.6917 with questions.