Truckee River Day involves restoration, celebration
Time to grab those gloves, shovels and boots and bring the family and friends out to help restore the Truckee River. The 17th annual Truckee River Day is Oct. 14.
Volunteers will have their choice of half or full day restoration projects with different levels of difficulty. There will be 12 to 15 projects. including re-vegetation at Perazzo Meadows, plantings to help restore areas near the Truckee Legacy Trail, removing aquatic weeds from the Truckee River in Tahoe City, and collecting data for Squaw Creek Restoration.
Projects start at either 9am or 11am and finish between 2 and 3pm.
The River Fair will be from 1-4pm at Granite Flat Campground. This community event is presented by Sierra Watershed Education Partnerships and will feature environmental activities for kids and adults, and the annual fish release at 3pm. There will also be food from Red Truck and live entertainment. Everyone is invited to the fair even if you’re not involved in restoration projects.
To participate in this year’s restoration projects call (530) 550.8760, ext. 1 by Oct. 5.