Concealed weapon permits increase dramatically in El Dorado County
By Carlos Alcalá, Sacramento Bee
The number of people with concealed weapon licenses in Sacramento and El Dorado counties has jumped in 2011, following the election of new sheriffs who vowed to make the licenses easier to get.
Sacramento County sheriff’s officials issued 739 CCWs – licenses to carry a concealed weapon – as of July 25 this year, more than four times the number issued in all of 2010.
That year about 175 licenses were issued.
In El Dorado County, 380 people received CCWs in the first six months of the year, already a 75 percent increase over 2010’s total of 217 permits.
“I made no secret about my philosophy,” Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones said. “I was more permissive on whether I would allow them.”
People are “very appreciative of the streamlined process,” said El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini.
In both counties, elections for sheriff were dominated by the weapons permit issue. Critics of concealed weapon permits were scarce.