Recovery month is about kicking the habit
By EDC Health Services Department
September is National Recovery month — a time to highlight the issue of alcohol and drug use, and the hope that comes with recovery from addictions.
“El Dorado County, like other places across the United States, has its share of people who are struggling with drugs and alcohol,” said Shirley White, program manager for El Dorado County Alcohol and Drug Programs. “The worsening economy has not helped, as people who are having a hard time financially may turn to drinking or substance abuse as a way to cope or escape.”
The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration estimates that 23.2 million Americans aged 12 or older currently need treatment for a substance abuse disorder. Many baby boomers (Americans born between 1946 and 1964) are continuing to use illicit drugs as they grow older, causing the rate of illicit drug use to go up in the 50 to 59 year old age segment of the population. And although the rate of illicit drug use among youths aged 12 to 17 has declined in recent years, young people are starting to use substances at an earlier age.
The campaign, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, emphasizes the need for communities to work together to educate people and their families about substance use disorders, and to support people in their recovery efforts.
“People experience recovery in different ways,” said White. “Some recover on their own; others recover through treatment and/or the assistance of self-help, mutual aid groups, or medication-assisted therapies. Addiction is a disease, and just like any other chronic illness, it can be recovered from. The support of family, friends, employers, and other concerned community members can help make recovery lifelong.”
In El Dorado County, there are a number of different substance abuse treatment options. El Dorado County is fortunate to have many recovery support networks and collaborative partners that offer a range of services such as residential treatment, individual and group counseling and community based support groups. Some of the programs are geared specifically for women or men, while others offer programs tailored to youth. These partners include:
EDCA Lifeskills, (530) 622.8193
New Morning Youth and Family Services, (530) 622.5551
Progress House, (530) 642.1715
Family Connections, (530) 626.5164
Sierra Recovery Center, (530) 541.5190
Tahoe Youth & Family Services, (530) 541.2445
El Dorado County also has programs such as Proposition 36 Drug Court, Dependency Drug Court, Juvenile Drug Court, DUI Drug court and other programs designed to give the individual the opportunity to access substance abuse treatment. “In addition to traditional treatment services, a well rounded recovery support network complements this process and is central for successful rehabilitation from substance use,” said White.