  • Opinion: Cut funding to TRPA

    Opinion: Cut funding to TRPA

    By Bruce Grego As you are aware, on March 15, 2011, I attended a subcommittee meeting of the Nevada Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means committee. My purpose was to express my views concerning future TRPA funding by the state of Nevada. There were three matters on the agenda, one being considering funding of […]

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  • Opinion: In truth, 60 is the new 60

    Opinion: In truth, 60 is the new 60

    By Marc Freedman By now the story is familiar. A gray wave of aging boomers is crossing into their 60s, hitting retirement age, morphing suddenly into senior citizens, and bringing with them a new era of demographically determined dependency and despair. We’re trading baby strollers for walkers and wheelchairs. Don’t believe it. The sixty-somethings headed […]

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  • Opinion: Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority deserves praise

    Opinion: Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority deserves praise

    By Luther Mack How soon we forget. Those who are complaining about the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority are not remembering the past. Thirteen years ago, I was the airport chairman during a turbulent time. In 1998, Airport Director Bob White and his management team were plagued by lawsuits, charges of a hostile work environment, poor planning […]

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  • Opinion: Redevelopment subsidy crippling South Lake Tahoe

    Opinion: Redevelopment subsidy crippling South Lake Tahoe

    To the publisher, The City Council’s 1995 decision to subsidize redevelopment debt by giving all of the hotel room taxes in Redevelopment Area 1, Herbert Avenue to Stateline, set the table for the city’s economic woes for the last 15 years. After the 1995 decision, the city manager and the council began a reorganization plan […]

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  • Opinion: Nevada needs to take advantage of its stature

    Opinion: Nevada needs to take advantage of its stature

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 23, 2011, Reno Gazette-Journal. If there were any doubts that Nevadans would play an important role in the 2012 presidential race because of the state’s early caucuses (and its additional Electoral College vote), Tuesday’s visit to the Silver State by Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour should put them […]

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  • Opinion: Nevada can’t afford to abandon TRPA

    Opinion: Nevada can’t afford to abandon TRPA

    Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the March 24, 2011, Reno Gazette-Journal. Let’s be clear: Regardless of what happens to Senate Bill 271 in the Nevada Legislature, the state will not be able to walk away from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency pact. That’s because the compact that created the TRPA, signed in 1969 by […]

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  • Tarwater explains changes within LTUSD

    Tarwater explains changes within LTUSD

    Dear Parents: The current financial maelstrom in the state of California continues to force districts to make painful reductions in order to meet their financial obligations. Lake Tahoe Unified School District has made severe budget reductions over the past two years to the tune of $4 million – $1.2 million for 2010-11 alone. The Board […]

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  • Opinion: Time to end term limits

    Opinion: Time to end term limits

    By Quentin L. Kopp In 1990 as a state senator, I supported the concept of term limits because of the foul effects of gerrymandering, and my belief in the notion of citizen legislators – not politicians per se, but people who volunteer for electoral public service as an ideal, not an occupation. I also maintained […]

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  • Opinion: TRPA has plenty of room for improvement

    Opinion: TRPA has plenty of room for improvement

    By Kenny Curtzwiler The problem with the TRPA now is they have gotten so far from their original mandate that even they don’t remember what it was. I am really surprised Mayor Hal Cole has not jumped on this as he is a contractor and has several firsthand nightmare stories with them. I do feel […]

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  • Looking for students to learn about Lake Tahoe issues

    Looking for students to learn about Lake Tahoe issues

    Dear South Lake community, This coming spring quarter at LTCC I will be teaching GSE 103, Lake Tahoe Issues and Agencies. I believe each of you is familiar with the class, but, in short, it is a survey course of the many agencies and organizations in Lake Tahoe, coupled with the issues affecting the Tahoe […]

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