Opinion: Anatomy and religion have a lot in common


By John Spinola

Religion is a lot like a penis.

It is OK to have one. It is OK to be proud of it. It is OK to share it with people who want it in their life.

It is not OK to take it out and wave it around or flaunt it in public. It is not OK to force it on people or children.

Like everything else there is a time and a place for it. It should not dominate every aspect of your life.

It doesn’t make you a better person for having one.

It doesn’t make you a better person for not having one.

Some people do just fine without one.

Some people are very passionate about theirs.

Some people believe theirs is the only one that matters.

Some people are really “attached” to the one they like or have chosen.

Some people don’t need one in their life to make them feel complete or fulfilled.

Different people like different ones for different reasons.

Yours is not the only one. There have been many throughout history.

John Spinola lives in South Lake Tahoe.


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Comments (31)
  1. worldcycle says - Posted: December 2, 2013

    A great comparison beautifully expressed. I am sure it will not last up here long. Kate will probably get so many complaints it will have to be removed. Hopefully it will go viral on the social media before it does.

  2. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 2, 2013

    Great comparison, who would’ve thunk they had so much in common ;)

  3. bronco billy says - Posted: December 2, 2013

    brilliantly expressed, john ! now, how does my penis get the same tax breaks that the IRS affords the religious cult gathering places?

  4. Level says - Posted: December 2, 2013

    Saw that on the internet a month ago. Plagiarism?

  5. John S says - Posted: December 2, 2013

    Level — You saw the first two lines after the heading. I extrapolated from there. Everything after the first two lines is mine.

    Thanks to everyone so far for the positive feedback.

  6. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: December 2, 2013


  7. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Some people go to heaven too .

  8. Dean says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Nicely put. Maybe I’ll show my brother who seems to think his religion is the best.

  9. kelley says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Thanks john for a little humor to break up all the heavy stuff. Keep it coming…

  10. Know Bears says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Apt analogy, John, and very attention-getting. I only take exception to the phrase “people or children”. I would change it to “people, including children”.

  11. dan Wilvers says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    replace the word “opinion” with “religion” the result is the same.
    We need to learn how to be civil in all of our encounters.

    To all people who have felt “put upon” by religious types I offer my sincerest apologies. My faith is not something I feel either the need or the inclination to use as a weapon.

    It is however something that necessarily “dominates” my life in a way that I think grows more humility, service, mercy in me. For that no apology is necessary I would think.

  12. BijouBill says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Even worse than the incessant proselytizing is the blatant, illegal use of tax exempt status by fundagelical pastors and churches here in town and all across the nation. They don’t even pretend to be politically neutral anymore and I think they should be taxed. I don’t think we need to be using dwindling tax revenues to subsidize those that want to bring dominionism to our country. If you doubt that’s what they have in mind you are ill-informed.

  13. Dogula says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    BB, you know nothing about it, obviously. Have you actually been IN a church in town? Political discussions in church are illegal, and if you do it, you WILL lose your tax exempt status.
    Unless of course, you are the REVEREND Al Sharpton, or the Reverend Jesse Jackson, or the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You can talk all the politics you want from the pulpit as long as you talk LEFTIST politics. If you talk conservative politics, the IRS will shut you down in a heartbeat.

  14. Lisa says - Posted: December 3, 2013

    Give me a flipin break Dogula. You can talk politics all you want in a church, but you can’t tell folks how to vote. Perhaps you missed the scores of evangelicals who openly said they would not follow the IRS rules they agreed to in writing (but were happy to take the tax exempt status) and told their parishioners that they were sinning if the voted for Obama. You are clearly willing to see that which agrees with you and turn a blind eye to that which doesn’t.

  15. cosa pescado says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Dawg is a right wing creationist christian who is a ‘proud islamophobe’. Who claims to be a libertarian, despite the fact that they think their religious text (which is made complately made up, just like all of the others) should be used in public policy and forced on others.
    Don’t take anything they say seriously. They are a joke.

  16. Biggerpicture says - Posted: December 4, 2013


    A) Is there really a hell?

    B) You seem to be someone who could use the above offered advice!

  17. Dogula says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Wow. The lies and insults just keep getting deeper every day. Listen to yourselves.

  18. Really? says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Very unoriginal

  19. go figure says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Dogzilla dosent know how to take its own medicine but can sure dish it out

  20. hmmm... says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    ‘Book-based ” dogmatic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Mohammed-ism) may be a lot like a penis, but not all religions are so self-negating. Many Eastern and earth based ‘pagan’ approaches to spirituality are not quite so rigid, and are accepting, yielding, softer, warmer – more like a yoni.

  21. hmmm... says - Posted: December 4, 2013

    Funny(not) how many ‘Christians’ use their bible and church dogma to refute Jesus’s teachings. In their self-delusional narcissistic hubris, they don’t even see it. They worship money and greed, and advocate political policies that redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich. They hate the poor, the aged, the infirm. They manipulate the laws to steal from children, and while they claim to worship Christ, their behavior is closer to LeVeyan satanism.

  22. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    AS far as I am concerned this article and the rude and obnoxious posters that attack Christianity on these pages is just another example of why it is best for freedom loving people to stay away from this community.

    Your rude and arrogant definitions of Who you say Christians are is bull.

    Hmmm, who do you think you are to to tell people what they believe? You’re obnoxious punk government employee that is who you are.

    This is the trash that needs taking out, South Lake Tahoe needs to be flushed.

  23. go figure says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    Wow cj, aka pubworks tv, got an anger issue?
    you are one sour grape…

  24. CJ McCoy says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    Yes I am angry, every freedom loving American should be angry.

    Liberalism and the ignorance that propagates it is destroying what had once been the greatest success in human history.

  25. hmmm... says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    @ CJMCCoy…I am a citizen of this country, I have EVERY right to express my opinions, as do you. Or would you change that in your FascistDystopianTheocratic fantasy of ‘America for White Male Americans only’? I can also back my opinions up with verifiable examples, if need be(you, my ‘friend’, cannot). As a man who was raised Catholic(no longer do I practice that faith) and also studied Comparative Religion in college I am well schooled in Christian principle and in the Christian Bible. I do not reject Christ, I reject the barbaric perversions of his teachings by the clergy and by his so called followers. You are a perfect example. If Jesus showed up as a single person(rather than a collective, the spark of The Creator’s Presence within all of us) you would ridicule, humiliate and crucify him all over again. I also reject the narrow minded lip service that brainwashed idiots such as yourself give to American politics. You would bleach this country into some FOX NEWS ‘Fascist’ state where everyone thinks the same ideas, says the same, wears the same white underwear while eating the same white bread and cattleprod-probed hamburger meat, looking around telling themselves how “free’ they are. In your dim troglodyte brain you have also managed to develop an inaccurate read as to who I am and what kind of work I do. YOU HAVE MISTAKEN ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE. Furthermore, veiled threats such as yours(…’this is the trash that needs to be taken out’…)are walking a very fine line. I enjoy pointing out your lack of critical thinking skills-it is so easy, your obvious immaturity about people and events, your sad little iconoclastic belief system, your attempts at looking smart and intelligent while using and misspelling words that do not fit…but I never really felt dislike for YOU-your ideas and their implications-yes, but you, no). Until now.

  26. worldcycle says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    Whoaaaaaa… dan Wilvers hits it right on here. Religion/Opinion. Obviously a lot of the posters here are walking around with their fly’s open trying to impress one another with the size of their ____________ (Fill in the blank please)

  27. hmmm... says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    Sorry worldcycle, no offense meant to you or danwilvers.

  28. worldcycle says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    None taken, but thanks.

  29. rock4tahoe says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    LOL! Good one John!

  30. dan Wilvers says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    none taken hmm.

  31. Ann says - Posted: December 5, 2013

    It’s a shame that Chtistianity has been given a bad name by some of its followers. I am sure that Jesus weeps. The article printed by Kae doesn’t really shed light on this subject other than to remind people of their differences, and to provide an opportunity to pour gasoline on a fire that is already burning.I am sure there are persons of every religion and non-religion who do not live up to the teachings of their masters. Whether you worship Yahweh, Jesus, Buddha,Mohammed, or Krishna, or none, you live in a community that has laws that are derived from ethical precepts from one or more of these traditions. Therefore, you are governed by those laws. Rather than depairing the state of religion, why don’t you stop pointing out the hypocrisy of others, and do something worthwhile, like stopping to talk to homeless person, volunteering at a local program to feed people, talking to another person you encounter who may be lonely. It’s so easy to find fault with others. It’s not so easy to do something constructive, or isn’t it? Ann